Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fifty Shades

He's bold, He's Beautiful, He's rich, He's so messed up he has fifty different moods, He's Christian Grey and he doesn't really exist. We don't see all fifty shades but we do see some in this New York Times Bestselling novel by E.L.James. Fifty shades of Grey is the first book in this trilogy and its AMAZING! From the look of the cover it doesn't seem like much. Its just a tie... until you read deeper that is. I'm not going to spoil it because its so addicting im tempted to read the entire series....again. And im guessing im not the only one since it swept the nation on its release. You can't win them all as I was scrolling through comments. As soon as it ended on that cliffhanger I was devastated that I would have had to wait an entire year for the next one, Lucky me all 3 were already out! All I can say is Lucky Ana! Wish I was an actress so I can land that role. Wonder who my Fifty would be...hmmmmm decisions, decisions. To me from cover to finish its a steamy and humorous romance that had me reading for 3 days (3 books, 3 days). Loved it so much didn't want to get out of bed to eat. Only it was on my nook and I could have taken it with me to the kitchen. Why are all the good men fictional characters????? Or taken???? Either way I'm not a fan on making movies out of books except for Harry Potter and a few. Let's face it, if you read the book most likely if the movie is trash you will be sitting in the theater comparing the two on what they left out and wondering why they hell did they pick that concept!!!! But for this book, I will give it two-thumbs up and another two if they come out with the movie and its even better! Depending on the contents of the book the movie will most likely be rated R so Ladies put the date in your calender the minute you hear a release date for it that way the husband and kiddos will be taken care of and you can relax and see your fifty on the big screen. But read the book its worth it! In my opinion that is...Happy Reading.

1 comment:

  1. Chrisitan is so hot! I love this book. I kept passing it around to my friends...even the guy ones.
